
Daily Oil Fundamentals

Escalation with No Price Impact

03 Jan 2024

Escalation with No Price Impact

Happy New Year, All. When the last report of 2023 was published on December 22 the front-month settled at $79.07/bbl. Yesterday the European benchmark closed at $75.89/bbl suggesting a relatively uneventful festive period, but this assumption cannot be further away from the truth.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

One Last Piece of Macro-data

22 Dec 2023

One Last Piece of Macro-data

Oil concerns itself with the state of US production this morning and enters the day less buoyant than that of late. The news that the US is now the world's largest producer is backed up by an increase of production to 13.3 million barrels per day...

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Red Sea Worries Drone On

21 Dec 2023

Red Sea Worries Drone On

Oil concerns itself with the state of US production this morning and enters the day less buoyant than that of late. The news that the US is now the world's largest producer is backed up by an increase of production to 13.3 million barrels per day...

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