Legal & Regulatory

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Legal & Regulatory

    • For services provided by TP ICAP entities incorporated in the United Kingdom, please refer to the following Terms of Business (pdf).

    • For services provided by TP ICAP (Europe) S.A in the EU, please refer to the following Terms of Business (pdf).

    • For services provided by TP ICAP (Dubai) Limited in the UAE, please refer to the following Terms of Business (pdf).

    • For services provided by TP ICAP entities within the APAC region, please refer to the following Terms of Business (pdf).

    • ICAP Energy AS Terms of Business (pdf).

    • ICAP Energy AS Spanish Branch Terms of Business (pdf).

    • For TP ICAP Global Markets Americas LLC’s policies and procedures pertaining to the operation of bid-wanteds and offerings for municipal securities, please refer to the following disclosure (pdf).

    • UK Money Markets Code

      The TP ICAP group has reviewed the content of the UK Money Markets Code (“Code”) and acknowledges that the Code represents a set of principles generally recognised as good practice in the UK Money Markets. The TP ICAP group confirms, for each of its Tullett Prebon and ICAP businesses which act as Market Participants as defined by the Code, that it is committed to conducting the UK Money Markets activities of those businesses (“Activities”) in a manner consistent with the principles of the Code. To this end, the TP ICAP group has in a manner commensurate with the size and complexity of the Activities, and the nature of their engagement in the UK Money Markets, established and implemented policies and procedures that accord with the Code (In so far as the content does not conflict with applicable law.) 

    • FX Global Code

      The TP ICAP group has reviewed the content of the FX Global Code (“Code”) and acknowledges that the Code represents a set of principles generally recognised as good practice in the wholesale foreign exchange market (“FX Market”). The TP ICAP group confirms, for each of its Tullett  Prebon and ICAP divisions and subsidiaries that act as a Market Participant as defined by the Code, that it is committed to conducting the FX Market activities of its group (“Activities”) in a manner consistent with the principles of the Code. To this end, the TP ICAP group has taken appropriate steps, through its Tullett  Prebon and ICAP divisions and subsidiaries, based on the size and complexity of their Activities, and the nature of their engagement in the FX Market, to align the Activities with the principles of the Code.

    • Global Precious Metals Code

      The TP ICAP group has reviewed the content of the Precious Metals Global Code (“Code”) and acknowledges that the Code represents a set of principles generally recognised as good practice in the wholesale Precious Metals Market (“Market”).
      The TP ICAP group confirms for each of its Tullett Prebon and ICAP divisions and subsidiaries that it acts as a Market Participant as defined by the Code, that it is committed to conducting its Market activities (“Activities”) in a manner consistent with the principles of the Code.
      To this end, the TP ICAP group has taken appropriate steps, through its Tullett Prebon and ICAP divisions and subsidiaries, based on the size and complexity of their Activities, and the nature of their engagement in the wholesale Precious Metals Market, to align the Activities with the principles of the Code.

    • For services provided by TP ICAP via a platform, please refer to the following Terms of Use.