
Daily Oil Fundamentals

Investors’ Eyes Remain Averted from Oil

03 Dec 2024

Investors’ Eyes Remain Averted from Oil

Once again, those that continue to hold exposure to the bourses of the United States instead of commodity assets such as oil are being rewarded. The S&P and Nasdaq march on to new record highs invigorated by a combination of boorish rhetoric from Donald Trump against BRICS economies that plot against the US Dollar's supremacy and something of a 'Goldilocks' ISM Manufacturing PMI reading.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Bully in the China Store

02 Dec 2024

Bully in the China Store

By any standard, last month was highly eventful and even turbulent. The main event was undeniably the US presidential election, which resulted not only in a convincing win of the electorate and the popular vote for Donald Trump but also brought majorities in the House of Representatives and the Senate for the Republicans.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Fragile Near East Truce, Callous Russia

29 Nov 2024

Fragile Near East Truce, Callous Russia

As anticipated, markets were relatively slow and subdued yesterday, since the US celebrated the harvest feast from more than 400 years ago shared by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag people. Other parts of the world, however, did not rest and the result was a slight uptick in prices.

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