
Daily Oil Fundamentals

Ominous Distillates

19 Sep 2023

Ominous Distillates

Looking back at the performance of the past few weeks there is one salient question that needs to but cannot be answered instantly: are distillates going to sound the death knell of the current bull run or despite the violent nature of the contract(s) the move higher will continue unabated?

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Easing of Supply Deficit Next Year

18 Sep 2023

Easing of Supply Deficit Next Year

After the release of the updated monthly reports from the three most important forecasters we established that the last quarter of the year will see demand exceeding supply.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Cycle of Tightening is Nearly Complete

15 Sep 2023

Cycle of Tightening is Nearly Complete

The major factor behind the latest run up in oil prices is undeniably the Saudi determination to draw down

Daily Oil Fundamentals

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