
Daily Oil Fundamentals

Market participants long for this week to be over

25 Aug 2023

Market participants long for this week to be over

It was inevitable that the Jackson Hole Symposium, and the all-important speech from the Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, has caused somewhat of a trench warfare attitude from markets and investors are watching the battlefield play out through periscopes.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Betting on a Pause

24 Aug 2023

Betting on a Pause

The global economy from China to Japan, the EU and the US is in trouble and investors like it. A string of reports on contracting manufacturing and service sectors was greeted with a convincing stock market rally.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Oil set to dance to the macro tune

23 Aug 2023

Oil set to dance to the macro tune

There is little doubt that the drivers those of an oil bent are looking for today will be the state of US inventories.

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