
Daily Oil Fundamentals

Oil to Face Another Week of Testing Drivers

13 Nov 2023

Oil to Face Another Week of Testing Drivers

Faced with a relief bounce after a torrid week of losses, the oil complex enjoyed a Friday that clawed back some of the worst excesses of the sell off, leaving the big ticket numbers of $80 in Brent and $75 in WTI intact.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Unwavering Borrowing Costs for 2024

10 Nov 2023

Unwavering Borrowing Costs for 2024

The latest round of central banks meetings was deemed sanguine and encouraging. Interest rates in major economic hubs, the US, the UK, and the euro zone, were left untouched and some central banks, notably in emerging markets, the likes of Brazil and Poland, went as far as to cut the price of lending.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Near Over-Sold Status Brings Relief, But Oil is Spooked

09 Nov 2023

Near Over-Sold Status Brings Relief, But Oil is Spooked

Ordinarily, the API data on Tuesday evenings is viewed as a signpost to the much more important and watched EIA/DOE inventory report that graces our screens on Wednesdays.

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