
Daily Oil Fundamentals

Opposing Forces

03 Oct 2023

Opposing Forces

The performance of different asset classes in the third quarter of the year tells the whole story. Oil prices shot considerably higher.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

China is on Holiday but not its Influence

02 Oct 2023

China is on Holiday but not its Influence

For all the machinations and wild rides experienced last week, the weekly progress made by the oil complex indicates the convoluted environment oil finds itself in at present and while overall the crudes tangoed their way...

Daily Oil Fundamentals

End of month, end of quarter but no end to big news

29 Sep 2023

End of month, end of quarter but no end to big news

Again, oil cannot escape the downcast clutches of the wider macro suite and while being at such elevated levels with both the crude futures contracts of WTI and Brent registering as ‘overbought’, the pressure ensuing from another poor day for the bourses inevitably found its way into oil’s realm.

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