
Daily Oil Fundamentals

Saying Nothing is Sometimes the Best Policy

04 Apr 2024

Saying Nothing is Sometimes the Best Policy

Oil prices retain a positive bias and it would have been a woeful performance from those that gathered at the OPEC JMMC if any intimation of increased supply from members had been uttered.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Supply Anxiety is in the Foreground

03 Apr 2024

Supply Anxiety is in the Foreground

It can cynically be called ‘special military operation’ or a few thousand miles south, perhaps justifiably, the right to defend oneself. The fact of the matter, however, is that wars are raging in Eastern Europe and in the Middle East.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Reality Check

28 Mar 2024

Reality Check

The smartest oil trader will become insolvent quickly if she is the only one who reads fresh developments and events correctly, whilst the rest of the market takes a contrary view and makes counterintuitive bets resulting in taking all her money.

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