
Daily Oil Fundamentals

Time for a Pause and Contemplation? Not a Chance.

11 Dec 2023

Time for a Pause and Contemplation? Not a Chance.

Judging by Friday’s finishing numbers week-on-week there is little doubt that the oil complex remains in a state of vulnerability as the M1 months in the major futures contracts finished; thus, WTI -$2.84/barrel, Brent -$3.04/barrel, Heating Oil -8.05c/gal, RBOB -7.13c/gal and Gasoil -$32.5/tonne.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

If it looks like a fudge, smells like a fudge, tastes like a fudge….

01 Dec 2023

If it looks like a fudge, smells like a fudge, tastes like a fudge….

Then it is probably a fudge. The manner in which the OPEC/OPEC+ powers that be vacated the airwaves without so much as dropped comment, let alone a press conference, speaks volumes in terms of members not airing their dirty laundry in public.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

A Black Sea Wind Will Not Blow OPEC’s Issues Away

29 Nov 2023

A Black Sea Wind Will Not Blow OPEC’s Issues Away

Is it such a fantastical notion to think that OPEC have embarked on a campaign of lowering expectation? Wandering around the newswires dropping bearish bombs such as ‘there may be a further delay in the scheduled meeting, a rollover is a possibility’, and the admission that ‘talks are proving difficult’,...

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