
Daily Oil Fundamentals

Geopolitical Risk Premium Wanes

12 Oct 2023

Geopolitical Risk Premium Wanes

It is hard to pin down what went through the minds of oil market players when they decided to get rid of length with such ferocity that not only outright prices dropped significantly but the structures of the five major...

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Middle East Tension Mounts, Natgas Supports

11 Oct 2023

Middle East Tension Mounts, Natgas Supports

Although the tension between Israel and Hamas escalated yesterday investors remained admirably calm, at least compared to the understandably nervous session on Monday.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Middle East is Thrown into Turmoil

09 Oct 2023

Middle East is Thrown into Turmoil

As laid out below, serious doubts might have emerged last week about the sustainability of the uptrend in oil, the weekend developments, however, swept aside such concerns – whether temporarily, remains to be seen.

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