
Daily Oil Fundamentals

Gaza, API and China Keep Interest Rate Fear at Bay

18 Oct 2023

Gaza, API and China Keep Interest Rate Fear at Bay

Oil prices step into the morning sharply higher as the world watches in wonder and fright at the daily suffering emerging from Gaza and Israel.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Never-ending Conflict

17 Oct 2023

Never-ending Conflict

It is imperative to have a view, however misplaced it can turn out to be in the future, on how long the latest horrific chapter of the Middle East history can last...

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Bullish Tinged Uncertainty to Continue

16 Oct 2023

Bullish Tinged Uncertainty to Continue

After a tumultuous week in which oil prices, and indeed the wider investment suite, suffered almost minute-by-minute fluctuations as everything became exaggerated, the oil complex eventually pushed on in advances with...

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