
Daily Oil Fundamentals

A Belligerent Israel and Strong Gasoil Chase Prices Higher

09 Feb 2024

A Belligerent Israel and Strong Gasoil Chase Prices Higher

The oil market exhibited its bullish twitch yesterday in frankly what was a rather benign news backdrop. Such twitch can only be brought about by geopolitical actions, or as in this case, words.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

There is no Truth in Calling for Truce

08 Feb 2024

There is no Truth in Calling for Truce

‘Delusional’, ‘another massacre’, ‘total victory’, ‘we will make sure that Gaza is demilitarized forever’… These are the words Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chose to use in his reply to the Hamas response, which included...

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Competing Drivers and Uncertainty Keeps Enthusiasm Contained

07 Feb 2024

Competing Drivers and Uncertainty Keeps Enthusiasm Contained

Having clawed their way back into something akin to a recovery after last week's shellacking, well at least for the moment, oil prices are yet again showing signs of captured behaviour with bulls and bears struggling to make...

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