
Daily Oil Fundamentals

Warning signals ignored

09 Aug 2023

Warning signals ignored

A chart analyst would be quick to point to the 13-day m/a supports that did a marvelous job yesterday to halt the rot and tempt shorts to cover and bottom-pickers to pick bottoms.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

China woes, will oil stocks save rally, will funds?

08 Aug 2023

China woes, will oil stocks save rally, will funds?

It still appears as if we are unable to escape the flux that China’s industrial complex finds itself in. Trade data this morning makes for poor reading and seems as far from a China rebound from when zero-COVID ended.

Daily Oil Fundamentals

Landing Soft

07 Aug 2023

Landing Soft

Predicting economic outlook is presently akin to chart analysis. The are so many variables and moving parts that it is as easy to come up with a sanguine projection as with a depressing one.

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