
Daily Oil Fundamentals

Imports, Inventories and Interest Rates

13 Jul 2023

Imports, Inventories and Interest Rates

There is an oddity in reaction to the China Customs data released this morning. On the face of it, the decrease in both imports and exports ought to send more of shock through the minds of investors particularly as some

economists have downgraded their economic predictions for the balance of 2023.

Market News Round-Up Reports

Overbaked – Part 1

26 May 2023

Overbaked – Part 1

In today’s recipe, we will learn how to send oil prices down by $10/bbl. Start with a good helping of inflationary pressures, a dollop of rising interest rates, a sprinkle of US banking turmoil, a spoonful of anxiety over a potential US default, and finish off with a dusting of weak Chinese data. Mix well, bake for four weeks, and voila!

Market News Round-Up Reports

Uncertainty rules – for now

22 May 2023

Uncertainty rules – for now

It is cumbersome task to go through a wealth of conflicting signals and draw a conclusion whether the current investment climate suggests a sanguine outlook for the balance of the year or those who expect renewed strength will be left bitterly disappointed.

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