Analyst Consensus

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Analyst Consensus

Review the latest company collated consensus and find all analyst coverage details here:

Analyst Coverage

Canaccord GenuityJustin
Peel HuntStuart
Shore Capital  Vivek Raja


    The forecasts used in the consensus table on this website represent line-by-line averages based on the estimates received by TP ICAP Group plc (“TP ICAP” or ”Group”) from several registered investment analysts, and therefore constitutes public information. They may not sum exactly as not all forecasts received contain an estimate for each account line. 

    TP ICAP does not in any way endorse these forecasts, and although the consensus is regularly updated, TP ICAP does not assume any obligation to update or revise them if circumstances arise after the date of publication on this website. Neither TP ICAP nor any other affiliated entity or person (a) accepts any liability or responsibility whatsoever (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) for the consensus table or decisions or actions taken based on the consensus table, or (b) undertakes to update, revise or supplement the consensus table.

    Please note that any opinions, forecasts or recommendations regarding TP ICAP’s performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent the opinions, forecasts or recommendations of TP ICAP or its management, or its subsidiaries or affiliates, or in relation to any other company. It should also be noted that forecasts are by definition forward-looking and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties that may materially affect future reported results. In particular, TP ICAP makes no warranty or representation as to the accuracy or completeness of analyst research, the reasonableness of any assumptions or projections or the likelihood of achieving the figures set out.

    This consensus has been prepared by TP ICAP Investor Relations and is for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute investment advice, or any solicitation to buy, hold or sell securities or other financial instruments, by TP ICAP or its management. When making an investment decision you should seek advice from an independent financial adviser.
    In order for the consensus to accurately reflect the views of the analysts, TP ICAP Investor Relations, in preparing the consensus figures, may make certain adjustments to ensure a standardised basis of preparation and TP ICAP Investor Relations reserves the right to exclude estimates which do not comply with this basis of preparation, or contain a manifest error, or have not been updated to reflect the most recently reported TP ICAP results. 

    The Group is not aware of the existence of any interests or conflicts of interest of the contributors that could compromise the objectivity of the contributed information.

    TP ICAP is not obliged to publish consensus figures and reserves the right to cease to do so at any time. Additionally, TP ICAP does not provide commentary on the consensus figures. 

    TP ICAP is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. For further regulatory information and our terms of business, please see