Nunc sed turpis. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Phasellus a est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

US Benefits Compliance Update

To comply with the Transparency in Coverage Rule, UnitedHealthcare creates and publishes Machine-Readable Files on behalf of TP ICAP Americas Holdings Inc. To link to the Machine-Readable Files, please click on the URL: Transparency in Coverage ( These files will be live on July 1, 2022. To search the files:

  • Hit Ctrl-F on your keyboard to bring up a search bar.
  • Type in the employer’s name and the associated MRFs will appear.
  • Example: 2022-07-01_customer name_Choice-Plus_in-network-rates.json.
  • Please note while these files are accessible to all, the file itself is large, written in JSON, which is a machine-readable language, and not easily interpreted or searchable. The file should be opened in note pad.

Multiple files may appear. Select the files with TP ICAP Americas Holdings Inc.’s company name and the area of interest (network rates, allowed amounts, etc.). Files will be updated monthly in accordance with the requirements