Women in Focus: Christina Sanchez
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Current role: Business Manager US Equities & Equity Derivatives ICAP Corporates LLC
First role: Desk Clerk KBC Financial Product
I came to TP ICAP (bit of background): While looking to relocate back to New York from San Francisco where I was a Listed Option Floor broker, Link Brokers (my client) hired me 2004 as a Senior Broker on the US Listed Options desk. At the time Link was a boutique broker dealer with big aspirations. After years of growth and capturing market share, ICAP purchased us in 2008. Four years later we merged the competing brands to be one big happy family at ICAP.
My proudest moment at TP ICAP: While there have been several successes that come to mind, my proudest moment was speaking as a panellist for the Fearless Women on Wall St. conversations hosted by ICAP in conjunction with Ellevate. Sharing my experiences and having them resonate (and hopefully inspire) with others filled me with a sense of pride that I was opening doors for others.
My inspiration is (can be a person known or famous): My biggest inspiration is my Father Edwin. Being the first in his family to go to college, he rose the corporate ladder during times that were less than favourable for Latinos and minorities in general. When I entered finance as one of the few women on a trading floor, I would ask him how he handled various situations. He explained his experiences were not mine. He did not want me to assume his past was my future. All I had to do was be the best at what I do and stand up for myself. By not sharing his experiences and not putting them on me, allowed me to look at life and my career through a different lens. Those doors no longer looked locked, they just needed me to knock and have them opened.
If I could change one thing to advance women in the workplace: Change the narrative. I feel a climate of fear and mistrust has developed for both men and women. Creating workplaces of equal opportunity will come when everyone begins to listen and hear what each other are saying and stop being afraid to respectfully give their thoughts.
Advice to my younger self: Watch out for deer! In other words, do not let mishaps derail you.