Richard Berliand

Board Chair
Richard combines a detailed understanding of financial services with senior board leadership experience having held Senior Independent Director and Deputy Chairman roles at other listed financial institutions. Richard is Chair of the Nominations & Governance Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee.
19 March 2019 and Chair with effect from 15 May 2019
Board skills and experience
Richard combines a detailed understanding of the financial services industry and its challenges and opportunities with recent senior board leadership experience, having held roles as Senior Independent Director and Deputy Chairman at other listed financial institutions. Through his broad business experience and previous external roles Richard brings extensive external insight, a deep understanding of relevant issues and the strong corporate governance expertise required to lead an effective Board and develop its strategy. He also brings considerable experience of engagement with key stakeholders of the business.
Richard had a 23-year career at J.P. Morgan where he served most recently as Managing Director leading the global cash equities and prime services businesses. He was also a member of the board of directors of Rothesay Life plc until February 2019 and a member of Deutsche Börse AG’s supervisory board until May 2019.
External appointments
Senior Independent Director and member of the Remuneration, Audit and Risk Committees of Man Group plc.
Senior Independent Director and [Interim] Chair of Saranac Partners.