Richard combines a detailed understanding of financial services with senior board leadership experience having held Senior Independent Director and Deputy Chairman roles at other listed financial institutions. Richard is Chair of the Nominations & Governance Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee.

Nicolas’ extensive experience across the global broking industry complements his in-depth knowledge of the Group’s operations and markets and enables him to lead the business and be a key contributor to the Board.

Kath Cates was appointed to the Board on 1 February 2021. She is Chair of the Risk Committee and a member of the Audit and Nominations & Governance Committees.

Tracy brings to the Board considerable international banking and financial services experience spanning 35 years, most recently serving as a Director of Standard Chartered Bank U.K. for seven years.

Angela brings substantial experience to the Board, both from her executive career, as well as from her other Non-executive Director roles in financial services.

Michael brings to the Board significant knowledge of financial markets, both in the USA and the UK, as well as expertise in international financial management from his long career in financial services.

Mark Hemsley was appointed to the Board on 16 March 2020 and is a member of the Risk and Nominations and Governance Committees.

Philip has over 30 years’ experience gained in senior executive roles in the corporate and financial services sector.

Robin brings to the Board financial expertise coupled with strong leadership skills developed both within TP ICAP and the wider industry over more than 20 years.

Amy has a deep understanding and extensive skills and experience in asset management, banking, insurance, and regulation following a career spanning more than 45 years with global players in China and South-east Asia.

Nicolas’ extensive experience across the global broking industry complements his in-depth knowledge of the Group’s operations and markets and enables him to lead the business and be a key contributor to the Board.

Silvina Aldeco-Martinez was appointed CEO of Parameta Solutions in March 2024. She joined the TP ICAP Group from PitchBook Data, a division of Morningstar

Daniel Fields was appointed CEO of Global Broking in June 2022.

Vicky was appointed Group Company Secretary in November 2022.

Veronica has extensive experience in risk management and compliance across retail, commercial, corporate and investment banking, as well as wealth and asset management.

Susan Maple was appointed Group Head of Human Resources on 1 November 2019. She has extensive experience in HR across retail, commercial, corporate and investment banking, as well as retail brokerage and the gas industry.

Joanna Nader was appointed Group Head of Strategy on 16 October 2019. She has extensive experience in commercial/corporate banking, risk management, investment banking and private equity.

Andrew Polydor was appointed CEO of Energy & Commodities in 2016.

Philip has over 30 years’ experience gained in senior executive roles in the corporate and financial services sector.

Max Spoto was appointed Group Chief Operating Officer in March 2023.

Robin brings to the Board financial expertise coupled with strong leadership skills developed both within TP ICAP and the wider industry over more than 20 years.